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Phonascus OS X Yosemite Windows Install
Page contributed by Charles Nichols <mohawke@gmail.com>

Download Wineskin at:
Download and install the latest engine, it’s currently WS9Wine1.7.31. Place the Wineskin application in your Applications folder.

Download the latest Phonascus for Windows (see this page) and leave Phonascus in the downloads folder.

Open the Wineskin app. Once that completes, create a new Blank Wrapper and name it PhonascusX. It will take a minute to create the wrapper and it will ask to download some other pieces, like Mono. You want to download these resources, so say yes to all.

When the wrapper is created you will get a dialog informing you and you want to click the button that says, "View Wrapper In Finder”. Drag the empty wrapper to your Desktop. This is for convenience only. You can close Wineskin Winery program at this point,

Double click the PhonascusX.app wrapper on the Desktop and select “Install Software” and select the “Choose Setup Executable” option. Select the Phonascus installer in Downloads when asked. At the of this writing it was lenmus_5.3.1_setup.exe. Walk through the Windows installer like any other Windows install. If you are only a Mac/Linux guy just keep hitting OK and Next, accept you might want to unselect the Desktop shortcuts during install, as it will dump useless files on your desktop, and run Lenmus at the end of install.

When you hit finish it will finalize the Wine setup and ask what to run. If the dialog “Please select which executable file is normal used in Windows to start this program” says /Program Files/LenMus_(some version).exe hit ok, otherwise click the dropdown and hopefully locate it.

You can Quit the wrapper creation dialog and double click the PhonascusX.app on your desktop to see if everything is working.

When the Application opens accept the default settings in Phonascus. You have two options for output Midi, if the Wine selection fails go through this process again and try Core rather than Wine.

If you have problems feel free to contact me and I will try to help.

Last updated: 2015/01/26