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LenMus project benefits from the efforts of many people working to create great free software. I would like to thank all of them and express them my gratitude.

Open source software used in LenMus Phonascus

wxWidgets logo LenMus Phonascus is developed using the wxWidgets cross-platform framework. It is open source and easy to learn and extend, it has a helpful community, multi-platform support and also has the possibility to be used in commercial products without licensing.

PortMusic logo LenMus Phonascus uses PortMidi the Portable Real-Time MIDI Library. PortMidi is copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ross Bencina and Phil Burk and copyright (c) 2001 Roger B. Dannenberg. Its licence permits free use.

AGG logo LenMus Phonascus uses SQLite. It is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. The source code for SQLite is in the public domain and is thus free for use for any purpose, commercial or private. SQLite is currently found in a lot of applications.

NSIS logo For creating the Windows installer LenMus Phonascus uses NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System). It is a professional free open source system to create Windows installers. NSIS is script-based and allows you to create the logic to handle even the most complex installation tasks. Many plug-ins and scripts are already available: you can create web installers, communicate with Windows and other software components, install or update shared components and more.

Open source software used in Lomse library

Direct usage (sources included as part of lomse sources):

Lomse just uses the library but it is not part of Lomse sources (uses headers files and the library is directly linked to Lomse library):

Other software:

Repository hosting

GitHub logo GitHub is a great free provider of Internet hosting for software development and version control using Git. It provides source code repository management, issues tracker and other project management services for the LenMus project.

Website hosting, FTP downloads logo SourceForge, the great sponsor for open software projects, provides (free) hosting and file download services for the LenMus project.

Fonts and Art design

Lomse uses, by default, the Bravura font. It is a SMuFL-compliant music font, designed by Daniel Spreadbury at Steinberg. It is distributed under the SIL Open Font License, which means that the fonts are free to download, use, embed, redistribute with other software (including commercial software) or to create derivative versions. The only restrictions on its use are that they cannot be sold on their own, any derivative versions cannot use the reserved font name “Bravura”, and any derivative versions must likewise also be licensed under the SIL Open Font License.

Some program icons are taken or derived from other open source projects, mainly from the KDE project, the Ximian collection, and the GNOME project. For more details about program icons' origin, licence and credits, see program documentation in /res/icons/icon.htm.

All other artwork is original, developed for the LenMus project.

Last updated: 2022/01/14